Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday!


Dear Jake,

Happy Birthday!   You are a 2 year old wonder today and we are all so proud of you!  We celebrated your birthday on a farm with one of the guests of honor being, "Nutmeg" the horse.  Your Mom and Dad had the perfect idea for your party which was outside and included a tractor and a hose to pretend spray people!  All your favorite things!
I am not just being a proud Abba when I say you are so ahead of your age in so many ways.  You can already sing the alphabet and count to ten.  You have gone from walking to running and you love to practice your yoga and Zumba from school. You have lots of little friends and you are working really hard at sharing. This isn't always easy!

It is hard to believe that you are already 2 and every day that I get to spend with you is filled with laughs and fun.
Sometimes I would like to freeze time
 but it is also so much fun to watch the wonderful little man you are turning into as you grow.  This year you will become a big brother and you just became a big cousin to baby George.  I can't think of a better role model!

Love, Grammy

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