Dear Jake,

This Friday your Great Aunt Loretta came to visit! When your Mom was born on December 12, 1980, the first thing Aunt Loretta did was go with your Mom's other aunts, and buy a dozen doughnuts to bring up to the hospital. They were so excited about becoming aunts that they ate the whole box before they arrived! So, on October 25, 2011, Aunt Loretta came to see you in the hospital with a dozen doughnuts to celebrate. This Friday she brought you a book called, "Brown Bear" that you loved. Your attention span is getting longer and you are able to sit and really look at books now. The cardboard books work the best because you can chew on them after we finish the story!
Love, Grammy
Yay...I made the blog! Grammy and Jake are both so lucky to have Fridays together. TGIF :)