Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Mom!


Dear Jake, 

In honor of Mother's Day I would like to use this blog entry to tell you a little bit about your wonderful Mom. She has always been a superstar in everything she gets into and being your Mom is no exception. From the minute she discovered that you were growing inside of her she did everything in her power from yoga to a strict healthy diet to give you the best start possible. Before we knew it, it was October 25 and you made your grand entrance into the world! It was amazing to me to see my daughter turn into your Mom with such grace and confidence. You are always her number one priority and it is so much fun to see how much you are both enjoying each other. You are a very lucky boy as I am sure you will grow to find out!
This weekend we had a lot to celebrate. Besides Mother's Day it was also Poppa Crowley's birthday and your Mom and Dad's fourth wedding anniversary.  You are always the life of the party and you enjoyed every moment!

Love, Grammy