Dear Jake,
March was a fast month full of accomplishments and celebrations for you! You have started to walk! You were so fast at crawling that you had a hard time deciding that walking was the way to go but after much coaxing you are on your way. You still revert back to the crawl when you really want to get something done but you are making great strides.
You have also started to talk a lot with "yes" and "hot" being two of your favorite words. You call me "Abba" so we may need to change this blog to;"Fridays with Abba"! I hope you always call me that because it is so special and as unique as you are.
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day and Easter this month. We went to the Melville's house on St. Pat's day and saw a parade. You got to meet the Easter Bunny and you liked him much more than Santa. The Easter Bunny brought you a great basket of your favorites, goldfish crackers, play dough and Lego's.

Your cousin Kim is the captain of her lacrosse team @ Curry College this year so one very cold night lots of the family went to cheer her on. We had a tailgate party with pizza before the game. You were a very happy camper with pizza in hand and staying up past your bedtime!
Love, Grammy