Dear Jake,
This weekend your Mom and Dad went to a wedding in Vermont so Grammy and Poppa got to have a sleepover with you at your house. We started our weekend adventure by going to an outdoor cafe for lunch. You were much more interested in climbing the umbrella pole at our table than eating! Then we hit the beach. You loved the feeling on the waves and sand on your feet. Of course we had to spend a little time at Grammy and Poppa's house so we could show you off to all of our neighbors!
Before we knew it, it was 7 pm and time to start your bedtime routine! Although we checked on you many times, you actually only woke up once in the night!
On Sunday, after a fun visit from your Uncle Walter, we went out for ice cream at Nona's. You weren't so sure of the taste, but the cold spoon felt very good on your teeth that are trying to push through.
You were such a good boy for the first overnight without your Mom and Dad. We did notice that your smile wasn't quite as bright as when they are there with you!
Love, Grammy
Dear Jake,
On October 25, 2011, we all waited what seemed like days and suddenly your Dad appeared in his hospital scrubs with a smile so wide we knew you and your Mom were fine. "It's a boy" he announced, and all of our worlds were changed. That smile hasn't left his face since that day. You guys are best buddies and it is easy to see that you are always going to have fun together.
The first Sunday that you were home your Dad could hardly wait for kickoff time so you could watch your first NFL game together. Seeing the two of you snuggled on the couch with your matching football jerseys was a picture of your Dad's world being complete. As soon as you started using your hands, you had a Father and Son band, with you on your Fisher Price piano and Dad on his guitar. It looks like you have inherited your Dads musical talents ! This spring the Town Hall playground seems to be you and your Dads special place to go. You love the swings and the toy car there.
Your Dad always speaks so fondly of his childhood and it is obvious he enjoys making your childhood memories great as well. The way that you light up and smile when your Dad walks in the house after a day of work, tells it all ! So on this Father's Day , I can tell you , that you have a great Dad !
Dear Jake,
Pretty much the only thing that you really don't like is having to stop whatever you are doing and take a rest. This Friday you were going on a big trip to New York to meet your new cousin Reilly. So, it was important that I got you to take a rest. Grammy ended up with a black eye as you were swinging your little arms around in an effort to keep yourself awake! I won in the end after about 20 rounds of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and you did take a nap!
You are such a happy little fellow. With every new experience you have an expression on your face as if to say ; "I can't believe my life is getting even better"! The two pictures I am including say it all. One is your first time trying the little car in the grocery store. You look very cool with one hand on the wheel. The other picture shows how happy you are that you got new sports sheets! Can life get any better?
Love, Grammy
Dear Jake,
The best word to describe you this week is, busy! You are like a little sponge that is absorbing everything that you see and hear around you. One of the best perks of being a Grammy is that while I am with you, I have nothing else that I need or want to do. It is amazing to watch you learn. It's the little things that I forget about that for you are so fascinating. This week we were just sitting and playing and I snapped my fingers. Well, you thought that was the best thing ever and you kept moving your little fingers all afternoon to try to make the sound! I find these quiet little moments with your books and toys are the ones I enjoy the most with you!
Love, Grammy